Care/Cure for Sensitive teeth & Gums
Mix a pinch of Common salt with 1 teaspoon of mustard oil & rub on your teeth & Gums thrice a week
Care For Earache:
Extract the juice of onion & warm it on Fire & put 2-3 drops in ears
Cure for Dandruff
Mix 100 ml coconut oil with 4 gm of karpoor. Apply twice Daily
Cure for Hair Loss
Mix 5 ml lemon juice with 10 ml Coconut oil. Apply twice Daily
Cure Bad Breath
Keep one clove in your mouth for 10 minutes after each meal
Care for Beauty of face
Mix 10 ml Lemon juice, 10 ml Glycerin, 10 ml rose essence(Original). apply once before night Sleep.
Cure for sore throat
Mix one tablespoon of Common Salt in one Glass of water & Gargle thrice daily
Cure for High Blood Pressure
Mix the Extract of onion with pure honey in equal amounts. take one tablespoon Daily.
Care/Cure for OverWeight persons
Mix 125 ml Warm water, 15 ml Lemon and 15 gm Honey. Take early in morning with empty stomach.
To Stop Bleeding from cut:
Apply 5 ml of turpentine oil on Cotton & apply at affected area for 10 minutes.
Cure for Anger
Take two Sweet Apples (fully Riped) without peeling off, early in the morning.
Cure for Common Cold
Take 4-5 drops of Mustard Oil or Cow's Ghee, take its smell through both nostrils before sleeping.
Cure for Cough with mucus(Balgam)
Mix Equal amount of ginger extract with Honey & take three times a day
Care for Internal injuries
Boil 200 g Milk & 3 g turmeric powder & take it twice daily
Cure for Burn from fire
Mix Lime Water with equal amount of coconut oil & apply on affected area thrice daily
Cure for Mosquito Bite
Apply the Extract of onion twice daily
Cure for Dry Lips
Insert three drops of Mustard oil into umbilicus and rub small quantity of Desi Ghee on your lips
Good Habbit
Take one litre of pure water after brushing in the early morning
Skin Problems
Grind the dried Amla into a fine powder and use as a substitute for soap.
Memory Booster
Mix 1 tsp. Amla root's powder and white sesame seed powder. Add 1 tsp. honey and eat every day for a few days.
Dyspnoea, Fever, Cough
Clean, dry and powder 1 tsp. of the root of Amla. Boil in 1 up water till it is reduced to 1/2 cup. Add a little sugar and drink on an empty stomach every morning.
Leucorrhoea, Menorrhagia, Nausea
Clean, dry and powder 1 tsp. of the root of amla. Boil in 1 up water till it is reduced to 1/2 cup. Add a little sugar and drink on an empty stomach every morning.
Immediately apply cold water cloths to burns to prevent further tissue damage.
Throughout the first day, continually apply aloe vera gel or cucmber juice.
Treat the burn with vitamin E, cod liver oil, honey, plain yogurt, or a strong, cold herbal tea of plantain, comfrey, burdock, or pennyroyal.
Apply garlic oil to an infected burn.