Java Tutorial

Steps to write a program in java

  1. Click on Start-->Programs-->accessories-->Notepad
  2. Write a program
  3. Click on SaveAs
  4. Select the Drive From down arrow under the tilte Save in
  5. Double click on directory jdk1.3
    (Or any other java directory you may have)
  6. Click on "Bin" Subdirectory
  7. Type the name of the program which should be same as the name of Class in spelling with extension 'java'(for Example '')
  8. Click on the Save
  9. The file will be saved in 'Bin' subdirectory

Steps to Compile a program in java

  1. Click on Start-->Programs-->MsDos Prompt
  2. Type "CD\Jdk1.3\bin" and press Enter
  3. Type "Javac" to compile the file
  4. A file with name "SampleCode.class" Gets Generated

Steps to get output of a Java Application

  1. Click on Start-->Programs-->MsDos Prompt
  2. Type "CD\Jdk1.3\bin" and press Enter
  3. Type 'Java SampleCode' to get the output of the program

Sample Application Program

Output of The Program

(In Red Rectangle)

Sample Applet Program

File name :

import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
public class SimpleApplet extends Applet
	public void paint(Graphics g)
		g.drawString("Welcome to the World of Applets",20,20);
		g.drawString("First Java Applet",40,40);

Sample Applet HTML code

File name : App.html

<applet code = "SimpleApplet" Width = 190 height =50>

Output of The Program

(In Rectangle)

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